We didn't know that she had a tick somewhere on her, even though we carefully check over both pups whenever we are down at the lake. The only thing I can figure is that it was between her toes, since that's the only place I hadn't checked. We could tell she had been gradually feeling poorly, but attributed it to the heat. Until one evening she seemed so disoriented and her legs were just collapsing under her. She was refusing food but drinking water and was still wanting to go outside to use the bathroom. We had put flea and tick stuff on both dogs earlier that day and I thought maybe it was poisoning her, so we washed it off. We made her comfortable and decided to forego the emergency vet clinic because we were afraid the stress would kill her. We took her to see the vet the next day, who reassured us that the flea and tick meds could in no way have made her sick, but that she had some kind of bad infection. They took samples and sent us home with some antibiotics. As Mr. Criquette was shaking out her blanket to settle her back in (she was still terribly weak at this point), he saw something fall out.
It was a hideously large, dead tick, as big around as a dime. The flea and tick meds had apparently killed it. So he called the vet back immediately, who then was able to diagnose with her with a tick-bourne disease and put her on the right antibiotic. It was an almost miraculous recovery, and within 2 days, we had a big, bouncy 12-year old puppy! She has been so happy and frisky since then. We are so grateful. And sweet little Abbie had literally stayed by Chloe's side the whole time she was sick, curling up on the blanket with her, which they never normally do. Needless to say, they have both been getting extra love and treats!

Soaking up the sunshine
Checking for bunnies
Last year, I realized that I had let knitting take over my free time so much that I was becoming isolated from friends and family. I had also taken up quilting in the spring, and work is going as strong as ever. So I decided to put more time and energy into re-building old relationships and starting some new friendships as well. I had always taken my relationships for granted and finally came to the realization that I, being an introvert, have to "put myself out there" so to speak, and give relationships the same amount of focus and time that I had been putting into knitting. It has really paid off in a more balanced life, although most days I would prefer to be hiding at home knitting or being on Ravelry or blogging. So that's why I'm not around in the blogosphere very often. But I'm like a comet and I inevitably have to swing by from time to time to visit my blog (it's the only close to a diary that I have) and check in on my friends here.
I have also been so fortunate to have my brother and his wife, and then a week later, my sister and 14-year old niece for nice, long visits. We got lots of good quality time together, with lots of laughing and loving being together. Here's a picture of us girls, snapped in one of the rare moments we weren't running around somewhere or eating.
This is my expensive yarn-loving niece who is slowly learning to knit, but prefers to raid my stash and ask for me to make her something squishy and warm. This time, she was immediately drawn to my carefully hoarded Madeline Tosh light merino in Logwood. Fortunately I have enough to make us each a nice slouch hat or cowl. After all, I have to enable the next knitting generation.
I've also been in somewhat of a knitting slump this summer. It's not because of the heat, since I don't mind staying inside with my yarn and air conditioner no matter how hot. But I haven't been inspired by a pattern or yarn in a while. I have made a couple of cute baby hats for friends with new grandbabies, and have cast on and gotten a few inches into some little shawls, that have ended up being frogged, and have been slowly slogging away on an afghan to donate to a victim of the Joplin tornados, but otherwise, have nothing much to show. But I do keep to my resolve to knit at least one row of something a day, which just has to be good enough for now.
Hope you are all having a good summer and finding lot of ways to beat the heat!