You get a bunch of squares together (about 4600 of them), add some needles and yarn and people to stitch them together and add in a delicious lunch, lots of cookies and brownies and have a party. That's what Laura did yesterday and about 30 of us showed up in the pouring rain to stitch the afghans for Greensburg.

My group: Dorothy, me, my good friend Jill, and Paula
holding up our first seamed afghan.
Jill and I have both seamed squares before, but considering that Dorothy and Paula had never knitted or crocheted before, they did a great job! That's Jennifer in the background - turns out she teaches classes at my favorite lys. I'm looking forward to seeing her again in October, at the Studio's fall fiber fest!

Dorothy had to leave, so that left Paula, Jill and I to try and crank out a second one before the party was over. See that cute little face in the middle? That's Suzannah, Laura's middle girl. She jumped in and stitched up a storm, helping us to finish one more. We enjoyed having her with us - this girl was a blast to hang with!

Scroll through August to find the picture of the Noro squares she is knitting into a Greensburg afghan. It looks like something I'd frame and put on the wall - just gorgeous.

It was an incredible day. While it was a very satisfying way to spend the day, I was diappointed that I couldn't stitch faster and get more afghans completed before I left. I was surprised at how utterly exhausted I was when I finally got home last night. I'm afraid we just put a tiny dent in the mountain of squares. I'm not sure how Laura's going to get them all done. But if she has another seaming party, I'll be there! You can't appreciate how hard she has worked just from reading about it on her blog. So drop by her blog and send her some love.
I'll be there too! :o)
Thank you so much for sharing all those pictures! I spent the weekend wondering how the seaming party had gone. I was there in spirit, even if I couldn't be there in person! The afghans look like they came together beautifully. The colors are incredible.
I had such a good time Sat. I wish we had gotten more done to, it feels like we failed Laura just a little, doesn't it? So glad we got to met, hopefully there will be another chance where we can talk more.
Wow, it looks like everyone had a great time. The afghans are absolutely beautiful! You can see the love that went into every square.
Wow! Look at all those squares.
What beautiful afghans they have become. Wish I lived close enough to come party with you.
I love your photos! I just wish I could have come to join the fun. I was able to pick out a couple of my squares from your photos--what fun you guys must have had.
Congratulations on a job well done!
This is really cool.
I was cruising the SP11 blogs and came across your photos of the afghans. How cool! Naturally I had to go hunting thru the pics to see if I could see any of mine.
I only wish I was a little closer and could have come down to help sew them together.
You all did a great job! Thanks for helping to put it all together for all of us too far away!
Those afghans are amazing! You were part of such a wonderful thing! Wow!
I remembered your blog name! Did you just friend me on Ravelry, too? :)
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