Dr. Anne and her co-therapist, Dr. Holly are hosting another great dishcloth swap!
Okay, so maybe this won't really cure SAD, but it will sure bring some sunshine and warmth in the middle of the dreary winter. Interested? Here are the swap requirements:
- You must have a blog.
- You must post regularly - no less than once weekly.
- You can't have flaked or been AWOL in previous swaps of mine, in the Tea Swap, or in KVVS - I just can't risk it; this is supposed to be fun for everyone.
- Package Requirements:
- $20US Minimum Spend Requirement
- Knit or Crochet Dishcloth(s)
- Yarn for your pal - at least enough for a small project (100g or more recommended)
- Some sort of yummy soap - there are links to some handmades in the sidebar, and any kind that's not your average Dial or Lever 2000 is welcome!
- Any other treats that you think will brighten your pal's winter - Edible treats or notions for Knit or Crochet are great things to include.
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