...a spicy mix of Knitting, Kitties, Canines, some occasional Creole cooking and other little obsessions...
Next Up On the Needles
Tomorrow I plan to begin my next big project, the French Market bag from www.knitty.com. It looks similar to the kitty pi but with handles. Am I being overly optimistic? Stayed tuned. So here is a picture of the yarn I will be using for the bag. All are Cascade 220, which the patient owner of the lys assured me would felt easily. And I will even resist my ADHD inclinations to just jump right in and do it - I am actually going to knit a TEST SWATCH to felt along with the kitty pi. I am hoping the colors don't change too much in the felting process as I am very fond of this particular combination. For a change - and to prove I don't play favorites - I enlisted the help of Bitsy BonTon* for modelling purposes. She is actually in a passably tolerant mood today because...well, who can ever figure out Bitsy's moods? But she rubbed against me once earlier, and was rolling around on the floor upstairs a while ago and hasn't hissed at us since last night, so something good must've happened to her.
*Yes, I am aware that this is not the correct spelling - it is actually "bon temps" as any proper Cajun girl knows - but BonTon is the Yankee Way and since I live in Yankee-land (stop rolling in your graves, mom and dad) this is the way it is. Get over it, cher.